Wednesday, May 27, 2015

June 2015

As I prepared for this post, it caused me to reflect upon how quickly the time 'flies' away (or appers too anyway).

As a child longing for some special time (especially summer vacation!) it seemed if it would N-E-V-E-R get here!  I'm ashamed to say, I don't have that same craving for heaven.

I don't think daily about going home, is that wrong?  Well, at least when all is 'well'.  I'm not in pain, life is pretty much on an even keel.  Shouldn't being with my Lord be a daily thought and longing, regardless of the outward circumstances?

As I read and study His word, shouldn't it make me long more fervently to see, know, be in His presence?  Why am I so easily ensnared with the things of this world?  The 'pretty baubles' which have no real value?  *sigh*

Lord, help each of us to be more diligent in our lives, to savor first and foremost You, and all that You encompass.  Help us to study to show ourselves approved, workman that need not to be ashamed.

Be diligent brethren, read the Word, be instant in season and out, pray for all your spiritual family and our faithfulness to Him.

This year's reading program is from: Back To The Bible.

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