Friday, May 8, 2015

1 Samuel 1-3

Barrenness - societal stigmatized, taunted, heart broken. Blessed and then releasing a gift given.

I wonder, as mothers, while we may 'know' our children are on loan from the Lord, how oft do we forget they're really not ours?

An arrow borrowed from God to be crafted and shot...we may add the fletching, or individualism, however the 'core' material is crafted by the Lord of Hosts.
Not mitigating our faults, failures and foillibles, or our need to repent to Him and/or our children,; however how oft do we take a wayward or rebellious or non-Christian child's 'outcome' on our shoulders?

Sleepless nights, fervent prayers (not bad)? Do we surrender to Him, not my will but Thine? Take it personally, cringe at family/friends/society 'frowning' on us for our failure?

2:20 - Hannah didn't ask for more children, Eli blessed her.

2:29 putting children above God.

Chapter 3 - hearing. Have you ever been awoken by a sound, dismiss it and go back to sleep? Then hear it again? Not until I've ascertained the source can I relax enough to go back to sleep.

I wonder if Samuel was laying taunt, tense, ready, waiting, waiting, waiting...was I imagining the sound? No...ahhh.

3:15 lay until morning, did he sleep?

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