Friday, January 17, 2014

2014 - Day 16

Pro 16:4  The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. 

Musing upon this verse, coupled with my reflections about God allowing Hagar and Ishmael to live and prosper.

Genesis 40-42 covers Joseph in jail - without cause, yet God allowed.  Then ministering to the chief of Pharaoh's butler and baker.

Noticed Joseph made his request for remembrance after interpreting the butler's dream - did he already know the baker was doomed?

The butler doesn't immediately 'remember' Joseph...takes another two (2) years and then only because Pharaoh needs someone to interpret his dreams.

Nothing happens by accident - I truly believe in divine appointments - God has a plan and purpose for everything.

Pro_21:1  The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. 

I wonder if during those years after being in prison the butler reflected upon what had happened...did the thought scurry through his mind about 'owing' Joseph?

Joseph in a trial, tribulation, testing...what does this say about suffering?  Joseph was still trusting the Lord, still giving Him glory.  Still reverencing Him...accounting Him as the true interpreter of dreams.  What is God allowing in my life that is a 'prison'?  Yet is designed to remove dross and glorify Him?

Am I truly submitted to His will - to loving and serving Him even when I 'feel' forgotten in 'prison'?

Interestingly first time the actual word 'birthday' is used - and someone is killed.  Hmmm.

Chapter 42 ends with Joseph meeting 10 of his brethren - those who were jealous and evil treated him, God allowed to cross his path.  Joseph gives them a 'taste' of bondage...I find it hard to imagine it was done with malice or evil intent.  Purposeful yes, revenge, doubtful, after all the time Joseph's spent being a servant to Potiphar, in prison, God has refined him.  Would that difficulties create positive changes in all of us.

Are we less slow to accuse or demand our 'rights'?  Are we less apt to complain when circumstances and/or people are less than 'ideal'?  I have to admit, I fall short in this area - I expect perfection out of myself and others.  Lord, help me to be more accepting of where you have me, to know, no matter how 'bad' it may look, You are still in control and I am always required to give you glory in and through each and every situation.

And Reuben offering to be surety for Benjamin - the unstable offering to be stable.  Jacob doesn't put his trust in someone whose shown himself to be unfaithful.  Chilling lesson - Reuben's obviously been forgiven, he's still part of the family, living in community with them; however, Jacob's not going to trust what he esteems as a 'precious treasure' to Reuben.  Thought provoking - there is forgiveness and healing, but boundaries in the relationship, trust isn't fully given.

God has to 'work' on Jacob before he's willing to 'release' his treasure.  Had he placed Benjamin above God?  Made him and idol?  What do I have in my life which is competing for the affection, attention, devotion to God?

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