Sunday, July 28, 2013

Keeping the Kastle

I decided, now that that all my baby birds were out of the nest, to begin repainting some rooms.  This was going to be a quick project.  It was supposed to involve the spare bathroom and my oldest son's room.

The office where I work is closed the last week of December - a perfect time to do some home improvement projects.  Thinking to myself, I can whip this out in no time!  This is what the bathroom looked like before I started.

 We were quite colorful in the house - the only rooms we had done previously were the boys rooms and their bathroom, the rest of the house was the standard covered wall board which came with our mobile home.

Note I said MOBILE home, not trailer.  <shudder> I hate the word trailer.  I have had a hard time accepting that I live in a mobile home, it has never really felt like a 'real home' - and I've lived here for over 19 years!

This is a glimpse of what one of the (now) spare bedrooms looked like:

I wish, oh how I wish, I had taken pictures of the other bedroom!  My youngest son and I used a similar color, the lime green was the 'drawing' color between their two rooms, with the bathroom using the lime and the blues they used.  In his room we had painted boards and cinder blocks on the walls.  It was really quite creative!

Because I was going to be painting...I had thought about doing the kitchen as well.  Red.  I wanted to paint it red, or so I thought.  Notice the paint chips tacked to the wall on the right?

And because the kitchen flows into the dining room, well...I was going to have to paint it as well.

So off to the hardware store I trundled...and bought a few supplies.

I had the small sander (really handy) and a few supplies, paint pan, spackle knife, etc.  When we did the spare bathroom and bedrooms we spackled the cracks.  While this is good for small stuff, the wall board has seams (similar to drywall) and, well, you could see the seams.  It did not look good.  Someone had told me about using drywall tape to cover the seams.

Ah ha! Thought I, this will make it a snap! But...wait, its not tape tape, it needs something to make it adhere to the wall...hmm, okay, so drywall mud.  Not a problem! Well, maybe!  Adventures in painting to be continued...

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