Today...buyng beef...why? Because I just bought a 1/4 (split a side with a friend) and thought I would share.
We bought 1/4 last year...there are only 2 of us and it lasted (except for the hamburger) until now...though I ended up with a LOT of briskets and only recently found one easy crockpot recipe that came out well. Sooo...if anyone has an easy brisket recipe, please share - and since it is warming up NOT using the oven is the preferred method!

Buying in bulk saves money...this angus steer: hanging weight 622# - our 1/4 155.50#. Finished weight estimate 130...with cost per # at $2.87.
Hanging weight is different from finished - depending on the type of beef, extra lean, average, fat etc... here is a link if you want more information.
Buying a whole or 1/2 is the preferred method and then splitting from there...otherwise you may get stuck with only the 1/4 front (not much meat).
You usually get an option on soup bones (great for making broth, soup bases) and organ meats (if you want them), or I have a friend who feeds them to her dogs.
Buying a whole or a 1/2 may not be a viable option for a single woman, but would work if you go in together with a few others and split it further.
Most butchers will work with you in splitting beyond the 1/ also get the option of how much fat you want (or do not) in your ground beef...we prefer ours lean. The size of your steaks etc.
Also, knowing your farmer or the person coordinating the beef buy helps ensure that you are getting a quality animal that has not been wined, dined and refined.
Additionally, the cost savings is amazing...I found one site that estimated for a family of 4 the grocery bill is $770 a month...even dividing that by 2 brings the cost to $385...I can not even imagine!
Meats, fresh produce are usually the most expensive items in a family grocery are a few more sites if you want to explore:
Appreciated the title on the one above! She estimated her meat cost at $50 a month...which included poultry (we have our own) so my $30 a month for beef is a great deal!
I browsed week 6 of this blog...
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