Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This Little Church Went To Market

Written by Gary E. Gilley in 2002 - our pastor recommended this book.  I read it once, but decided a re-read might be in order.

It is definitely one I'd recommend, especially to those who think we have to 'bring' folks into church to get them saved.

I'll list chapters and titles and any notes I made along the way - either from the 1st or 2nd reading.

Chapter 1 -  A New Kind of Church - 

Chapter Two - Entertainment - "The elite hated entertainment for the same reasons the working class delighted in it.  The elite loved art, Shakespeare, excellent, thought-provoking literature and classical music while the masses were swooped off their feet be dime novels, earsplitting music, and trash of all kinds."

The really sad part of this paragraph is I'm guilty.  I no longer like earsplitting music or trashy novels, but I don't 'hone' my mind anywhere near what I could or should.  I 'bail' and engage in 'mind candy' - Pride and Prejudice anyone?  Rather than reading the Bible, studying it, or reading quality materials like that written by the Puritans.

"Almost all of the literature in the first 150 years or so focused on what could be called the Character Ethic as the foundation for success--things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule..." - the author is quoting from Steven Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - he doesn't necessarily advocate the teachings.

Think about the list - how much does our society, made up of individuals (including you and me) really show forth those types of behaviors?

From page 38: "Christianity is a demanding and serious religion." In today's 'user friendly' 'churchianity' do people really hear the gospel?  Lay down your life?  If they hated me, they will hate you. Die to self.

Reflecting upon Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: "In the end, he (Aldous Huxley) was trying to tell us that what afflicted the people in Brave New World was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking."

The author is dealing primarily with the behavior (or lack thereof) in the assembled body of believers.  How does your 'church' stack up thus far?  Is your assembly, pastor, teacher more concerned with entertaining the goats than feeding the sheep?

Have we checked our brains, not only at the church doors, but in other areas as well?

Chapter 3 - Market Driven Philosophy

Chapter Four - Psychology

"It may be pragmatism (which adds success to the Bible); mysticism (which adds experience); tradition (which adds the past); legalism (which adds man's rules); or philosophy such as psychology (which adds man's wisdom)."

While it's all bad...adding to the Word of God ought to scare us - I've heard more (lately) about mysticism - what do you feel?  We can't base our relationship with God (or others) on our feelings.  We're fickle creatures.  We have to be solidly, steadfast on/in the Word.

Chapter 5 - A Church With the Wrong Foundation

Chapter Six - A Church With the Wrong Message

Chapter 7 - A Church Focused on the Wrong Need

"If I understand the purpose of my attendance is to have a good time, and as long as the entertainment is not out of sync with Christian character and biblical truth nothing is harmed."  How often do we 'fudge' the lines and allow ungodly behavior in what we watch or read - all for the sake of being entertained?

"It is not wrong to be entertained as a Christian; it is wrong to confuse it with or allow it to replace true worship and biblical instruction"  I took some comfort in this, that mental down time or 'mind candy' isn't necessarily bad, but we shouldn't confuse entertainment vs worship.

Worship is holy - going to a Christian concert is not worship.

"Fun (i.e. entertainment) has become the criteria by which a large number of people are choosing the church they will attend."

So how do you choose a church?  What are the criteria or requirements which form the foundation?  The main emphasis should be on teaching the Word without bells and whistles, frills or 'fun'.  Here is one resource.

Chapter Eight - A Church That Misunderstands Worship (How Shall We Then Preach)

"True worship involves the intellect as much as the emotions.  It underscores the truth that worship is to be focused on God not on the worshiper." John MacArthur.

"Our worship should be centered on God as we praise Him through word, song and prayer, and as we edify the saints through the teaching of the Scriptures so that we are enabled to live lives honoring to Him." Gilley page 106.

"...the Colossians left behind their early instruction and were being deluded into adding at least five things to God's Word: secular philosophy, legalism, asceticism, pragmatism and mysticism."

Chapter 9 - A Church That Misunderstands Worship (How Shall We Then Sing)

Chapter Ten - A Church at the Crossroad

My heart is saddened by how much 'church' is being distorted, people deceived (willingly?) into thinking they can worship God however they please, mimic the world to 'draw' people in...but are they speaking the truth?  Loving people NOT be telling them Jesus loves them, but rather, turn, repent, lest the wrath of God fall upon you.  What are you telling people about the Jesus you say you love and serve, with your words?  Your actions?

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