Saturday, September 14, 2013

What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?

As someone who has low blood sugar, I know the importance of 'keeping it steady.' Which to me meant 'slow burn' foods.  Foods that take a while for the body to break down and convert.  I'm learning more about how blood sugar interacts, not just with protein (my go to source), but fats and carbohydrates.

A friend recommended the video Fat Head - debunking Super Size Me.  I remember watching Super Size Me it with my children years ago - and believing the information presented.  Does or would eating a diet of fast food make one fat?  While, I'll never be a fan of 'fast food,' or the processes or materials used to make it, I'm sufficiently challenged to examine eating foods which are made/designed the way GOD intended (heads up the information presented here is 'seasoned' with evolutionary thought).

Once I watched the video and explored the site a bit, I did a bit more research.  I've included some below the video should you care to explore.

I found this article to be informative and challenging - especially as it relates to our tendency to believe whatever the media and/or government agencies spew out.  <-- They are made of people, people are fallible, sometimes they are dishonest, prone to bribery, or deceived themselves.  Examine all - be a Berean in all matters, not just the Word of God.

What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie? ~ By Gary Taubes ~ Published: July 07, 2002

If the members of the American medical establishment were to have a collective find-yourself-standing-naked-in-Times-Square-type nightmare, this might be it. They spend 30 years ridiculing Robert Atkins, author of the phenomenally-best-selling ''Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution'' and ''Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution,'' accusing the Manhattan doctor of quackery and fraud, only to discover that the unrepentant Atkins was right all along. Or maybe it's this: they find that their very own dietary recommendations -- eat less fat and more carbohydrates -- are the cause of the rampaging epidemic of obesity in America. Or, just possibly this: they find out both of the above are true.

When Atkins first published his ''Diet Revolution'' in 1972, Americans were just coming to terms with the proposition that fat -- particularly the saturated fat of meat and dairy products -- was the primary nutritional evil in the American diet. Atkins managed to sell millions of copies of a book promising that we would lose weight eating steak, eggs and butter to our heart's desire, because it was the carbohydrates, the pasta, rice, bagels and sugar, that caused obesity and even heart disease. Fat, he said, was harmless.

To read more go --> HERE.

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