Monday, April 15, 2013

Kastle Keeper... I've been keeping the Kastle for over 20 years...or at least trying to keep the Kastle.  Is it still a Kastle when there isn't anyone but you?

Its been an interesting journey...I am now at 'empty nest' stage and wondering, Lord, what do You want now.  What plans and purposes do you have for me and this Kastle we've called home for 2 decades.

The last child leaving wasn't abrupt...he began to flap his wings and fly, coming home every so often.  No sudden oops there he's gone.  He married a wonderful young lady.  I love her, I love him, its just a transition that I hadn't prepared for...planned...thought out.

When someone tells you savor the time when they are little, they really mean it.  Those moments, times when you are their world, they don't last forever.  The dust and dirt, yes, they need to be cleaned and tidy, but those times with your little people.  Nurturing them into godly men and women, those moments, those teachable moments are worth pounds and pounds of gold.

The most precious treasure you will ever have, outside of a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and hopefully your spouse, is the nurturing and building of the next generation.  There is absolutely no comparison to aiding, guiding and directing impressionable little ones.

Perhaps that's why the governments of this world want them so conform them into little bots who have no critical thinking skills or question.  Maybe you're not married, or you have no children of your own, perhaps not even able to adopt.

Pray about investing your life in another person, especially a young person, impressing upon them the fear and admonition of the Lord.

This is a sad time for me, yet a time of rejoicing, a new season for all involved.  I *feel* rejected, no communication with my son...yet.  Learning to be patient and try NOT to intrude into their lives as they settle into being husband and wife.

Praying for myself, praying for them, praying for her family as we all transition into this 'new' connected family.  Praising GOD for the fellowship we have as fellow heirs of the kingdom of God.

Knowing this is not a new path for moms...since Eve men have been leaving their parents and cleaving to their wives (or some semblance thereof).  Praying I will not be the type of MIL that they disdain or dislike.  Rolling eyes and sighing inwardly about 'her.' Wanting all of us to glorify GOD in these new and budding relationships.

Reminding myself that these are ALL new and/or changed relationships.  Though I disdain the phrase a new normal - seems overused (guilty!) it really does boil down to learning new ways to communicate, respecting boundaries (even if they aren't given and/or articulated well).

As I work through thoughts and feelings, wondering how I have or am making someone else feel like they are an intrusion and/or bother to me...have I made anyone feel rejected? Unaccepted? Unloved?  How can I modify and/or change my behavior to show more loving concern for those around me.  Those who have invested in my life?

Lord, help us all to be more Christ like in our relationships, help us to repent and reconcile where possible, help us Lord to reflect You more in our times and interactions.  Help each of us Lord to respect one another, to show Christian love and affection towards the people that You have chosen as Your own.

---Here are a few sites I've explored thus far:

Don't delay telling someone you love them...always keep the communication lines open as much as is humanly possible.  When you can, give a hug...pray with someone...offer assistance...sacrifice yourself for someone else.

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