I don't know many women (young, middle age or older) who are above or beyond the desire to have someone special in their life. I completely agree with the author about singleness being the exception to the rule, not the standard. Praying for all those (male and female) who desire to be equally yoked with a godly mate. Seek HIM first...let the glorious love and passion of our Lord consume, motivate and fill you as you wait patiently (hopefully) on His provision and timing. ~ Melissa
Courtesy of Sheconsiders.com by Olivia
Are you ‘that girl’? Are you pretty, smart, a great cook, funny, sweet and godly? Are you happy, confidant and skilled? Have you spent your entire life dreaming of the calling? Are you ready? Are you ready to fall in love? Ready to plan that dream wedding? Ready to start a family, to be a wife, a mommy?
Are your friends marrying off? Does it seem like the streams of wedding invitations, engagement announcements and new courtships are never going to end? Do you smile, get excited with them as they tell you every detail of their romance, all the while wondering what is wrong with you? Why can’t this be me?
You don’t want to be one of those girls, chasing down a guy like a some sort of game. But you’re tired of watching all the godly guys you know act like 13 year old goofs. The godly men aren’t stepping up, the ungodly are well… ungodly. What’s a gal to do?
Do you ask yourself over and over “Where is my Darcy”?
Are you starting to feel like you are called to singleness? Well, chances are that you are not, since those called to true singleness are few and far between.
You are single for one of these three reasons:
1.) He isn’t ready yet.
Do you honestly believe God is working all things together for your good? Maybe your husband is still being shaped for you. Maybe God is using him to accomplish something for the kingdom, maybe he’s laying the foundation for the mission the two of you will be accomplishing together. Trust that the God of the universe will bring him to you when he is ready. Do you not trust that the God who brought Ruth to Boaz, Issac to Rebekah, my Dad to my Mom and Prince Albert to Queen Victoria, can easily bring your Darcy to you when it is time?
“See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it,
until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts…”
James 5:7
2.) You aren’t ready yet.
Maybe God is working out something in you. Maybe He wants to develop your character further. Maybe there is someone who needs you more right now. An orphan? A widow? Perhaps He wants you to trust Him deeper.
What if He wants you to fall in love with Him first?
Perhaps an essential part of your training, for the mission you will be given to accomplish with your husband, isn’t done yet…
such as learning patience. 

3.) He doesn’t have your heart.
Prov. 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…” The hope of being someone’s someone, deferred with every passing glance, unreturned text and unstarted conversation. With those missed opportunities comes that feeling in your heart, that heartsickness, making you feel less desirable, less wanted, just… less.
Perhaps the reason God hasn’t brought Darcy to you just yet, is simply this:
He wants to be your hope. He wants you to be His bride, and for that to be enough for you. To find your ‘wholeness’, your ‘true love’ in Him.
He wants you to know that He found you desirable enough to die for… that you are His.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
Jer. 31:3
Wait on God. Wait for that which is perfect, true, pure, that which is meant for you according to His will. He is faithful. “The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” (Ps.145:13) He hasn’t forgot about you. Trust Him.
The best is yet to come.